Monday, May 19, 2008

日本についてじゃないことでしょう (because all this is completely unrelated to Japan and basically just about me, I'll try and do at least some of it in Japanese alone

例えば、'squeezes toothpaste from the top' とか'has pleasant disposition in the morning - not crabby' :Pさあ、あたしはまだ奥さんのことじゃないね ^^

それに、あたしの計算にとって、二人だけはこれを読んでる。そして、AMARA and Joachim! Hi! (tabun john mo hi!!) ^^ 今まで、もっと面白い話を言うつもりね?

So, the other day I had a little run-in with the law. I had just left the post office after sending a couple of packages and when I was getting onto my bike I sort of notice a police officer without really paying any attention. I started biking off and he started running alongside me, passed me, and then raised his hand to halt me. I was like uhh ok? So I got off and he apologized and started examining my bike. I didn't really know what was going on but I was just like whatever. He hardly talked to me, but he did ask me if it was my bike. This went on for awhile. Keep in mind it was on a somewhat busy street in the middle of a Friday afternoon. So I got quite a few stares, being the law-breaking gaijin that I am. Anyway, eventually his partner got out too and started examining my bike. We had to move my bike out of the way and they continued their stuff. Occasionally they would ask me a question, usually one I thought I had already answered. I did text Alex when I started to get worried but he was unable to come help me. I then asked them if something was wrong and they sort of puttered around answering. They also checked all my legal documents and looked at my host family's address. After a bit over half an hour, they asked me if I was heading home and when I said I was, they told me I could go. So I figured it was ok for now and that they'd call my host family and it would be sorted out. Then I realized that they were following me home. That's when I started getting freaked out. Cause the bike belongs to my family; it was one of the exchange student's bikes from the past and I was like what if it's a problem that it's not mine? What if she had actually stolen it or just not registered it?? And I still had no idea why they picked ME out of the crowd of bikes. They stayed outside in their car and then I got really freaked out. It sort of felt like I was under house arrest. Finally they rang the doorbell and sort of apogized and said 'jitensha is ok, ok.' But at this point I was on the phone with Alex and on the verge of tears and that did not cut it as reassuring me that I was ok. I also still had no idea why and if they were leaving for now but would send me like a ticket later or something.

Anyway, Stephen and I had planned to meet up for lunch at a maid cafe he had found but obviously that was pushed back. We did eventually meet up to buy our bus passes and he was very sympathetic and made me feel a whole lot better. Hahah so that was my brush with the LAW. My young and wild days, if you will.

Oh and I wanted to add another item to my list:
~ the smell of freshly cooked rice

1 comment:

Patty Ann said...

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG i've never heard this story before!!!